Book of Scarborians XIV: Finale
Six medieval knights
standing armed at the gallows
with the Burgesses
listened to their captain speak,
"I refuse to harm this thief
for your sacrifice."
One of the house members said,
"Choose a subsitute."
Elvie removed her helmet
and replied, "Give me Parsley."
Sparing the thief's life,
the knights escorted Parsley
up to the gallows.
Parsley knelt before Elvie
wearing the old cambric shirt.
Then the knights turned coat,
striking down the Burgesses
one blade at a time.
Elvie's sword struck Parsley's shirt,
shattering into steel shards.
In the aftermath
Parsley, Sage, Rose, and Mary
were saved by the knights.
Elvie said, "Our work is done.
Knights, the way home is opened."
One by one, her knights
vanished with the autumn wind.
She was the last to go,
but before she disappeared
her ram horn blew loud and shrill.
Mary saw it first—
the castle grounds' overgrowth
of peppercorn plants.
Sage opened Delaney's map,
showing Parsley the castle.
Reclaimed by nature,
a DeLorean in park.
Rose said, "Look, a car!"
Ty asked, "Who would leave it here?"
Parsley and Sage said, "Our Mom."
R.L.P. Auriga
Long Island, New York
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