Book of Time IV

One new tradition,
tulips for Amelia
to dress her gravestone.
Parsley, Sage, Rose, Mary, Ty,
Delaney, and William.

Delaney asked Sage,
"What happened to my engine?"
Sage answered, "Upgrades."
William held two tulips
that Ty purchased back in town.

Mary eyed the stone
neighboring Amelia's:
Here lies Don Yoji,
Born June 1893
Passed September 1922.

Parsley said, "Mary,
remember you saved his life.
You gave Don that chance."
Mary kept this in her heart.
Delaney placed the tulips.

William stood still,
speechless by the very thought
of that young drummer
truly being time-displaced
from a century before.

Ty spoke about Don
saying, "Quite remarkable,
the heart of this bard."
Together they mourned two hearts.
The elfin knight on a hill.

Hooded silhouette
carried his concealed steel blade
and he blew his horn.
The sound, disturbing the peace
sparked de-ja vu in Mary.

Mary called, "Elvie?"
This sparked the elfin knight's rage
and he drew his sword.
From the hill, he charged Mary,
but Parsley parried the strike.
Richard Louis Paul Auriga
Nassau County, NY


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